A surgical system comprises a handpiece and a battery. The handpieceincludes a body, a handpiece controller, and a handpiece connector with afirst coupler, ahandpiece voltage terminal, and a handpiece data terminal. The battery has ahousing, acell, a battery controller, and a battery connector with a second coupler torotatably engagethe first coupler, a battery voltage terminal, and a battery data terminal.The second couplerreceives the first coupler at an initial radial position and permits rotationto a first securedradial position and a second secured radial position. Rotation from theinitial radial positionto the first secured radial position engages the voltage terminals to transmitpower betweenthe cell and the handpiece controller, and rotation to the second securedradial positionengages the data terminals to communicate data between the controllers whilemaintainingengagement between the voltage terminals.