The present Invention is a female condom (12) with an extended Protection (11) that can cover and Seal the external genitals to prevent transmission of Disease and Semen during intercourse.The Construction of the present Invention includes Seal (3) Films (1) Double membranous layer in an Omega shaped or similar to create a part (12) and a tubular part (11) protection, followed by applying Adhesive Sheet (4) and (6) on the outside of both removable Protection Nes (11) before Cutting (9) to give the final product.The tubular portion (12) formed the protective barrier to the vagina (condom) while part (11) protection, which adheres to the external genitalia, prevent leakage of body fluid. The tubular portion (12) can be used to serve as a Male Condom. Build Parts (12 and 24) tubular double non conventional sexual activities.Longitudinal and transverse Folds are created to expand the tubular part (12). The Female Condom can be textured, Colored and Flavored to settle, according to the demand of usersLa presente invencion es un preservativo (12) femenino con una proteccion (11) extendida que puede cubrir y sellar los genitales externos para impedir transmisiones de esperma y enfermedades durante el coito. La construccion de la presente invencion implica sellar (3) las peliculas (1) membranosas de doble capa en una forma de omega o similar para crear una parte (12) tubular y una parte (11) de proteccion, seguido por aplicar adhesivo (4) y laminas (6) desprendibles sobre el exterior de ambas protecciones (11) antes de cortarlo (9) para dar el producto final. La parte (12) tubular formara la barrera protectora para la vagina (preservativo) mientras que la parte (11) de proteccion, que se adhiere a los genitales externos, impedira la fuga de liquido corporal. La parte (12) tubular puede invertirse para servir como preservativo masculino. Se construyen partes (12 y 24) tubulares dobles para actividades sexuales no convencionales. Se crean pliegues transversales y longitudinal