A Standard canned Fish Protein contains only 6%, 0.65% of omega - 3 and 0.98% of the 10 Essential amino acids, thus the present Invention provides procedures for developing a Liquid Government supporting the Fish preserves and contains hydrolyzed Fish Protein Concentrate and omega-3, Enriching it with up to 50% more Protein, 100% more Omega - 3 and 75% of essential amino acids.The preparation of hydrolyzed Fish Protein Concentrate used Technological Innovation that includes operations of hydrolyzed protein, polished, Purified with activated carbon, molecular Filtration, Reverse Osmosis and Spray Drying.Wherein the molecular Filtration Membranes with different sizes was performed to isolate the High soluble Protein Content and in the production of omega-3 involved Operations winterizacion, Neutralization, bleaching, DEODORIZATION, and molecular distillation Model Because the Commission is between 35 and Winterized or temperature and 9 rpmCharacterized in that the molecular distillation Is High Vacuum of 0.1 to 0.2 mmHg, reaching a temperature of 200 to 210 degrees Celsius in Evaporator and speeds of the distribution plate to form Thin Film of Olein which facilitates evaporation of impurities such as PCBs, Heavy Metals are removed and the distillate, which passes through the Heat exchanger to form refined Oil With a High omega-3 contentUna conserva de pescado estandar contiene solo 18.00% de proteinas, 0.65% de Omega-3 y 0.98% de los 10 Aminoacidos Esenciales, por lo cual la presente invencion provee procedimientos para elaboracion de un liquido de gobierno que acompana al pescado de la conserva y contiene Concentrado Proteico Hidrolizado de Pescado y Omega-3, enriqueciendola hasta con 50% mas de Proteinas, 100% mas de Omega-3 y 75% mas de Aminoacidos Esenciales. La elaboracion del Concentrado Proteico Hidrolizado de Pescado emplea Innovacion Tecnologica que comprende operaciones de Hidrolizado, Pulido de Proteinas, Purificado con Carbon Activado, Filtracion Molecular