A method of controlling stress, emotional stress and undue anxiety consisting of gymnastic exercises, characterized in that for six consecutive stages perform their total duration of sixty minutes, performed in a well predetermined time interval is taken measurements of physiological and psychological changes at each stage, and upon completion of the last phase of reduced emotional stress and reduced stress levels, namely, at the first stage for ten minutes to the music performed by omplex warm-up exercises to warm up all the muscles of the body, and on completion of the first phase are calculated index pulse and is determined by the presence of the stress response and the level of the second stage of training coordination of body movements include the integration of both hemispheres of the brain through the performance art of dance hemispheric coordination duration of five minutes, namely instructor commands in nonstop dancing rhythm executed first dance movement called vine through the direction n Ava feet to the right, set the left foot behind the right foot, then right foot is transferred to the right parallel to the left foot to repeat the movement with the arms length apart with their fold in the forearms, then vine reiterate the left, then make three steps with the right foot back while perform hand movement march, then repeat the vine to the right and left in the vine, then three steps are performed with the back of the left leg, then do a dance movement called mambo right, namely the right leg is removed, right on the toe, and the hand follows the movement foot and left footСпособ борьбы со стрессом, эмоциональным напряжением и необоснованной тревожностью, состоящий из гимнастических упражнений, отличающийся тем, что в течение шести последовательных этапов выполнения общей их длительностью в шестьдесят минут, выполняемых в четко заданном временном интервале, берутся замеры физиологических и психологических изменений на каждом этапе, а по завершению последне