The present invention relates to a new plant "Brassica"leessp.nami cv. Tongssamchoo) and its breeding method. The new plant tuberosum, which was cultivated by cabbage and interspecific hybrids using the plant breeding material as a raw material for breeding, and subjected to plant purification, self - incompatibility test and seed productivity test, The shapes show round and round shapes; (2) Leaf (leaf blade) is greenish and has well developed petiole (petiole); (3) Leaves (leaf peripheries) exhibit various mutations ranging from asymptomatic to less developed; (4) The leaves are shiny and the leaves are crunchy; (5) the degree of self-incompatibility is strong and the seedling is seen in radish and Chinese cabbage; (6) Chungnam castle is late than Chinese cabbage and shows late charm; (7) the growth rate is faster than that of normal cabbage; (8) Unlike the traditional saxophone, there is no hair on the side surface; (9) Leaf (petiole) is broader and thicker than the existing samsam; (10) It can also be used for leaf picking and abandonment; (11) Confirmation of the number of aeration; (12) the anodizing diameter is 8 to 12 cm, the anodizing height is 20 to 25 cm; (13) The taste tastes of Chinese cabbage and sweet and spicy taste of cabbage; And (14) Uses can be used for poultry, green juice, salad, kimchi and so on, and it can be harvested by barrel, It is expected to be very useful in the field.본 발명은 신종식물 ‘통쌈추’(Brassicaleessp. namicv. Tongssamchoo) 및 이의 육종방법에 관한 것으로, 육종원료로서 배추를 사용하여 양배추와 종간잡종을 유기하고 계통순화와 자가불화합 검정 및 종자생산력 검정을 실시하여 생육된, 신종식물 통쌈추는 (1) 잎모양은 원형 및 둥그스런 형태를 보이고; (2) 엽신(잎파랑이)은 녹색을 띠고 있으며 옆병(잎자루)이 잘 발달되어 있고; (3) 엽연(잎둘레)은 결각이 발달된 형태와 발달이 덜된 단조로운 모양까지 다양한 변이를 나타내고; (4) 엽면은 광택이 있으며 엽육은 아삭아삭하고; (5) 자가불화합성 정도가 강하며 무 및 배추에서 보이는 종자춘화형을 보이고; (6) 추대성은 배추보다 늦으며 만추대성을 보이고; (7) 생육속도가 일반 배추보다 빠르고; (8) 기존의 쌈추와 달리 옆표면에 모용(털)이 없으며; (9) 엽자루(엽병)가 기존의 쌈추에 비해 넓고 두툼하고; (10) 잎따기용 및 포기형태로도 활용이 가능하고; (11) 포기 수확인 150 내지 300 g의 중량을 가지며; (12) 포기직경은 8 내지 12cm이고, 포기높이는 20 내지 25cm이고;