The invention relates to a device for decoupling and/ordesynchronizing neural, pathologically synchronousbra n activity, in which, according to the invention,the activities in a partial region of a brain area or afunctionally associated brain area are stimulated bymeans of an electrode, surprisingly resulting indecoupling and desynchronizing the affected neuronpopulation from the pathological area and suppressionof the symptoms in a patient. In an alternativeembodiment of the device, the pathologicallysynchronous brain activity due to the disease isdesynchronized which also leads to the symptoms beingsuppressed. As a stimulus, the feedback stimulationsignal, that is to say the measured, time delayed andprocessed neural activity is used, whereby thestimulation signal is controlled on demand in a self-regulating manner according to the invention as aresult of which the intensity of the resultantstimulation influence on the neuron population to bedecoupled or on the neuron population to bedesynchronized is automatically minimized aftersuccessful decoupling and/or desynchronization. Tooperate successfully, the device needs neitherelaborate calibration nor control of the stimulationparameters but these can be adapted and optimizedpreferably by the additional control system. The devicecomprises a stimulation electrode (2) and at least onesensor (3) which are driven by a control system in suchmanner that they produce decoupling and/ordesynchronization i n their local environment.