A fractal stimulation device utilizes a fractal-based pattern to emittherapeutic stimulifor optimal treatment of human illnesses. The device contains a microprocessorwhichcontrols and outputs a pre-programmed series of stimulus. Types of stimuliincludeelectric, magnetic, photic, mechanical, and auditory. All stimuli containadjustableparameters which consist of amplitude, intensity, wavelength, frequency,motion,melody and pulse. The parameters are adjusted to follow a fractal pattern asopposed toa non-fractal, periodic, random or chaotic pattern of typical stimulationdevices. Inaddition to the fractal stimuli, the device may consist of a fractal-shapeddeliverymechanism and may be positioned in a fractal manner at the subject-deviceinterface.This method of delivery for stimulation devices optimizes the efficacy for thetreatmentof human diseases.