The invention relates to a method for producing a smoking product from atobaccomaterial, wherein the tobacco material is treated using at least one extrusionprocess,which comprises compaction with an increase in pressure and temperature and amechanical treatment and sudden flash drying of the material at an outlet ofan extruder(1), wherein a heated process fluid (7) is supplied as a heat transfer mediumto thetobacco material in the extruder (1) to supply process heat. The inventionfurther relatesto a device for producing a smoking product from a tobacco material using anextruder(1) which performs a compaction of a tobacco material with an increase inpressure andtemperature and a mechanical treatment and sudden flash drying of the materialat theextruder outlet, wherein the extruder (1) is associated with a heater (11),which heats aprocess fluid (7) that is supplied to the extruder (1) for supplying processheat as a heattransfer medium.