a. The human body temperature monitoring system is composed of T amp, uacute, Nel, public health cabin or health barrier, and its structure is to let people pass through the interior, so as to ensure the distance between M amp; Iacute; NIMA, which is required by C amp; Aacute; NIMA, which is required by C amp; Aacute; Mara measures temperature correctly and performs face recognition. / P gt;<;p>;SISTEMA DE MONITOREO DE TEMPERATURA CORPORAL ;POR UN TÚ;NEL, CABINA O BARRERA SANITARIA, ESTRUCTURA CONSTRUIDA PARA QUE LA PERSONAS PASEN DENTRO DE ELLA DE A UNA Y CON ESTO SE GARANTIZA LA DISTANCIA MÍ;NIMA QUE SE REQUIERE PARA QUE LA CÁ;MARA TOME DE FORMA CORRECTA LA TEMPERATURA Y HAGA EL RECONOCIMIENTO FACIAL.<;/p>;