(b) Methods for the transfer of biologically active compounds to biologically active compounds; oacute; GICA or s; Aacute; Lica of pharmacists and amp; oacute; GICA, but not s; Aacute; Lica of trav amp; eacute; hematoef amp barrier, allowing them to pass s; Aacute; Lica of trav amp; eacute; hematoef amp barrier, And the compounds they turn into The medium is anti receptor antibody transferred from human body. The transformed compound is composed of protein and ampere, Iacute, Na physics and ampere, oacute, activity or pharmacology and ampere compound, oacute, low molecular weight sad active substance and anti receptor antibody transferred from human body.<;p>;SE DIVULGAN MEDIOS PARA CONVERTIR COMPUESTOS QUE TIENEN ACTIVIDAD FISIOLÓ;GICA O FARMACOLÓ;GICA Y QUE NO PUEDEN PASAR A TRAVÉ;S DE LA BARRERA HEMATOENCEFÁ;LICA EN UNA FORMA QUE LES PERMITA PASAR A TRAVÉ;S DE LA BARRERA HEMATOENCEFÁ;LICA, Y LOS COMPUESTOS CONVERTIDOS MEDIANTE ELLOS. EL MEDIO ES UN ANTICUERPO ANTI-RECEPTOR DE TRANSFERRINA HUMANA Y LOS COMPUESTOS CONVERTIDOS SON CONJUGADOS MOLECULARES ENTRE PROTEÍ;NA FISIOLÓ;GICAMENTE ACTIVA O COMPUESTOS FARMACOLÓ;GICAMENTE ACTIVOS DE BAJO PESO MOLECULAR Y UN ANTICUERPO ANTI-RECEPTOR DE TRANSFERRINA HUMANA.<;/p>;