Present invention is related to a nano calcium-silicate particle component for anti-sensitive tooth and regeneration of dentin use comprises calcium-silicate particles 0.1~50wt% being uniformly dispersed in an applied matrix 50~99.9wt%. The calcium-silicate particles have an ability to regenerate tooth dentin. The size of the calcium-silicate particle is at a range of 1~50nm. Since the size of the calcium-silicate particle is extremely small, the present invention is able to penetrate deep into dentinal tubule and facilitate tooth dentin regeneration which achieves the advantage of long lasting of anti-sensitive effect.一種含矽酸鈣奈米微粒的組成物,其包含:一矽酸鈣奈米微粒 0.1~50wt%,其具有促進牙本質自行生長烴基磷灰石的功能;一施用基質50~99.9wt%,該矽酸鈣奈米微粒均勻混合於該施用基質中;以及該矽酸鈣奈米微粒尺寸介於1~50奈米之間;本發明利用奈米等級的矽酸鈣微粒尺寸極小,可深入使用者牙本質小管,並達到刺激牙本質小管自行生成烴基磷灰石的牙本質再生效果,因人體自行生成的羥基磷灰石可產生與牙本質小管更好的結合能力,較不易受到口腔中酸性、鹼性物質或環境所影響,達到更優異與長效的抗敏效果。