Yi Seed aquariums have mono- aquariums of situation Light Kong structures Department Tou Over and a Zhao Ming Installed Zhi Let Meter, and The Zhao Ming Installed Zhi Inner Let have a control Electricity road plates and Zhi Shao mono- Hair Guang bis- Very Body (LED) Light plates, and controlling the roads Electricity plate Inner Let has situation to control the roads Electricity the saturating Over situations control roads Electricity Come Let determine the bright Light Time Inter and contextual model of Hair light two Very Body (LED) Light plates, make aquarium Inner that there is the effect of different situation Light control Changeization, the Tours heart Wyatt mesh persons that Let aquarium energy The are more added by Light light Changeization Hous.一種水族箱具情境燈控結構,係透過一水族箱及一照明裝置之設計,且該照明裝置內設有一控制電路板及至少一發光二極體(LED)燈板,而控制電路板內設有情境控制電路,透過情境控制電路來設定發光二極體(LED)燈板的亮燈時間及情境模式,使水族箱內具有不同情境燈控變化之效果,讓水族箱能經由燈光變化後而更加的賞心悅目者。