1. A sterile coating for wounds with a substrate and a non-absorbing elastomeric wound-contacting layer, characterized in that the elastomeric matrix contains a synthetic three-block elastomer, preferably a copolymer of a polystyrene block and a polyolefin block (SEPS, SEBS, SEEPS, etc.), or a mixture thereof, the total polymer content being less than 3.2 wt.%, in particular 3.0 wt.% or less, preferably 2.6 wt.% or less, and plasticized with non-polar oil and / or petroleum jelly. 2. Wound coating according to claim 1, characterized in that the elastomeric matrix contains at least one synthetic three-block elastomer with a high molecular weight and viscosity, measured on a Brookfield viscometer, at least 5000 mPa s (for a 10% solution in toluene at 30 ° C) .3. A wound dressing according to claim 1 or 2, characterized in that the molecular weight of the three-unit elastomer is 150,000 daltons or more, in particular 200,000 daltons or more, preferably 300,000 daltons or more, particularly preferably from 400,000 to 450,000 daltons or more, but less than 600,000 Daltons, in particular less than 550,000 Daltons. 4. A wound dressing according to claim 3, characterized in that the elastomeric matrix contains a high molecular weight polymer with a molecular weight of 300,000 daltons or less and an ultrahigh molecular weight polymer with a molecular weight of more than 300,000 daltons. A wound dressing according to claim 4, characterized in that the content of the ultra-high molecular weight polymer in the total polymer part is less than 50 wt.%, In particular less than 25 wt.%. Coating for wounds according to claim 4 or 5, characterized in that the content of ultrahigh molecular weight polymer in the total polymer part is more than 5 wt.%, In particular1. Стерильное покрытие для ран с подложкой и непоглощающим эластомерным контактирующим с раной слоем, отличающееся тем, что эластомерная матрица содержит синтетический трехблочный эластомер, предпочтительно сополимер из поли