This invention provides a method capable of keeping the activity of various enzymes even the solution containing transglutaminase and glucose oxidase and/or -glucosidase is preserved for around 24 hours, and provides a food producing method and an enzyme preparation for modifying food capable of improving physical properties and flavor. The invention is characterized in that acidic substance, alkaline substance, and enzyme are used together.本發明係提供一種即使保持含轉麩醯胺酶(transglutaminase)與葡萄糖氧化酶及/或α-葡萄糖苷酶之溶液24小時左右的情況下,仍可保持各酵素之活性的方法,並提供一種可改善物性及食味的食品之製造方法及食品改質用之酵素製劑,其特徵在於將酸性物質、鹼性物質與酵素併用。