It refers to the treatment of nausea and vomiting for five consecutive days, including: (a) oral administration of 200-400mg of netuptant on the first day; (b) oral administration of 0.25-0.75mg of 5-htm3 subjects such as palonosetron on the first day; (c) oral administration of 12 mg of dexametasona on the first day; (d) 8 mg of texane was taken on 2, 3 and 4 days, during which nausea and vomiting were caused by chemotherapy, radiotherapy or post-operative treatment. He also mentioned a pharmacology composer who included (I) netuptant,(2) Palonosetron and (III) compound (3S) - 3 - [(3a) - 1-oxo-2, 3, 3a, 4, 5, 6-hexahydro-1h-benzo [de] isoquinlina-2-il] - 1-azoni bicycle [2.2.2] octan1 olato, weight percentage less than 3%SE REFIERE A UN METODO DE TRATAMIENTO DE NAUSEAS Y VOMITO POR CINCO DIAS CONSECUTIVOS QUE COMPRENDE: A) ADMINISTRAR ORALMENTE DE 200 A 400MG DE NETUPITANT EN EL DIA UNO; B) ADMINISTRAR ORALMENTE DE 0.25 A 0.75MG DE UN ANTAGONISTA 5-HT3 TAL COMO PALONOSETRON EN EL DIA UNO; C) ADMINISTRAR 12MG DE DEXAMETASONA EN EL DIA UNO; D) ADMINISTRAR 8MG DE DEXAMETASONA EN LOS DIAS DOS, TRES Y CUATRO; EN DONDE LAS NAUSEAS Y VOMITOS SON INDUCIDOS POR QUIMIOTERAPIA, TERAPIA DE RADIACION O POST OPERATORIOS. TAMBIEN SE REFIERE A UNA COMPOSICION FARMACEUTICA QUE CONTIENE i) NETUPITANT, ii) PALONOSETRON Y iii) EL COMPUESTO (3S)-3-[(3aS)-1-OXO-2,3,3a,4,5,6-HEXAHIDRO-1H-BENZO[de]ISOQUINOLINA-2-IL]-1-AZONIABICICLO[2.2.2]OCTAN-1-OLATO EN UNA CANTIDAD MENOR A 3% EN PESO