diagnosis of the condition, a variable weight agronomic crops (vp) on the abundance of the photosynthetic apparatus from a variable reactive (vr) describing the operation of.- sampling and \/ or systematic or random sampling of aboveground biomass of agricultural culture to evaluate the vp and vr, or from individual plants were harvested and \/ or areas as samples of a surface of the soil.- conversion of this biomass agricultural surface equivalents, such as g \/ m2, of kg \/ ha or tonne \/ ha,- of these n samples, the measurement of a set of n observations on at least a commensurate vp and vr.- implementation of an incremental framework consisting of a subset of n of the n observations, [vp] n and [f], and the establishment of a central value for the n observations.- establishment of a measure of relative dispersion in the observations included in the framework is incremental.characterized in that.- all n observations are first sorted in order gradually, according to the vp which is correlated to the vr.- the determination of the central values and \/ or related to the vp and vr) from subsets of n observations included in the aforementioned settings incremental, they are moved to slide out after each determination by a regular method.- these core values and relative dispersion are correlated (correlation), or [vp]: [vr] n.Diagnostique de létat physiologique de cultures agronomiques prédisant une variable pondérale (VP) décrivant labondance de lappareil photosynthétique à partir dune variable réactive (VR) décrivant son fonctionnement comprenant • léchantillonnage et/ou le prélèvement systématique ou aléatoire de la biomasse aérienne dune culture agronomique pour évaluer des VP et VR, soit à partir de plants individuels et/ou de superficies récoltés à titre déchantillons dune surface du sol arable,• conversion de cette biomasse aérienne en équivalents superficiels agronomique, tel que g/m2, de kg/ha ou tonnes/ha,• sur ces N échantillons, la mesure dun ensemble de N