A turnover assisting device is installed on a bed support and comprises: a rotary axle with two ends disposed on the left and right sides of the bed support a left cam disposed at the left side of the rotary axle a right cam disposed at the right side of the rotary axle a left bedplate disposed on the left cam and a right bedplate disposed on the right cam and having a left side pivoted with the right side of the left bedplate and provided with a pivotal axle at the pivoting position, the pivotal axle having two ends installed on the bed support. When the rotary axle is rotated, the left cam is protruded to drive the left bedplate to clockwise turnover and return to horizontal position, and the right cam is protruded to drive the right bedplate to counterclockwise turnover and return to horizontal position, thereby changing the partial contact position of the body lying thereon to prevent poor circulatory system.一種協助翻身之裝置,係裝設於一床架上,其包含:一轉動軸,其兩端設置於該床架之左右兩側上;一左凸輪,裝設於該轉動軸之左邊;一右凸輪;裝設於該轉動軸之右邊;一左床板,置於該左凸輪上方;一右床板,置於該右凸輪上方,且其左側與該左床板之右側樞接,並於該樞接處設一樞接軸,該樞接軸兩端設置於床架上;當旋轉該轉動軸時,依順序使該左凸輪突起帶動該左床板順時針翻轉及恢復水平;及使該右凸輪突起帶動該右床板逆時針翻轉及恢復水平,藉此改變身體局部接觸位置,減少循環系統不良的產生。11...床架12...轉動軸13...左凸輪14...右凸輪15...左床板16...右床板17...樞接軸18...手動轉柄19...減速傳動機構20...控制時間開關