FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention is applicable for making porcelain fused metal constructions or metal-free constructions, in prosthetic repair with dental implant prostheses and non-fixed dentures in aesthetically significant areas wherein extensive defects, uneven atrophy of the dental arch lead to difficulties in prosthetic plane restoration. A method for constructing a prosthetic plane in making fused metal and metal-free constructions, permanent implant prostheses and non-fixed dentures is characterised by the fact that impression taking is followed by fixing a central occlusion, fixing a pupillary line on the patients face, fixing the central occlusion position by means of silicone mass, mounting a technical reference mark in the silicone mass in parallel with the pupillary line, fixing a nose-to-ear horizontal and mounting a technical reference mark in parallel in the silicone mass. Models are made in accordance with the impressions taken, fixed in an articulator in a central occlusion position further, silicone blocks with the technical reference marks are mounted reference marks of the pupillary line and nose-to-ear horizontal are transferred in parallel and used to construct the prosthetic plane. Further modelling of the dental prostheses takes into account the determined reference marks.EFFECT: invention enables a dental technician to adjust a crown height, crown angle, degree of angulation and approximal surface size in the most efficient way.5 dwgИзобретение относится к области медицины, в частности к ортопедической стоматологии, и предназначено для использования при изготовлении металлокерамических конструкций или безметалловых конструкций, при протезировании ортопедическими конструкциями на имплантатах и съемными конструкциями в эстетически значимых зонах, когда обширные дефекты, неравномерная атрофия альвеолярного отростка приводят к трудностям при восстановлении протетической плоскости. Способ конструирования протетической плоскости при изготов