The present invention provides: a novel anti-pancreatic-cancer peptide which can interact with Patched-1 protein to thereby inhibit the activity of a Hedgehog signaling pathway of a pancreatic cancer cell and inhibit the proliferation of pancreatic cancer cells, and is therefore effective for the treatment of pancreatic cancer; an anti-cancer agent for pancreatic cancer, which comprises the peptide; and a method for treating pancreatic cancer, which comprises a step of administering the anti-cancer agent.本発明により、Patched-1蛋白質と相互作用することにより膵臓癌細胞のヘッジホッグシグナル伝達経路の活性を抑制し、膵臓癌細胞の増殖を抑制する膵臓癌の治療に有効な新規抗膵臓癌ペプチド、該ペプチドを含む膵臓癌の抗癌剤および該抗がん剤を投与する工程を含む膵臓癌の治療方法を提供する。