While also containing soy protein as the protein source, and be subjected to preparation or during sterilization, it does not cause a rapid viscosity increase due to thermal denaturation and aggregation, nonuniform, and the roughness and harshness characteristic of soybeans is stable and to provide enteral good flavor that does not feel. Were blended dietary fiber proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and, in enteral nutrient of acid type is in the range of 3-4, as protein, pH 20 to 40 is a peptide fraction of molecular weight less than 6000 % is an enteral nutritional supplement soy protein containing has been formulated 5-65% total protein.たんぱく源として大豆たんぱくを含有しながらも、殺菌や調合時を施しても、凝集や熱変性による急激な粘度上昇、不均一化を起こさず、安定であり、かつ大豆特有のエグ味やざらつきを感じさせない風味良好な経腸栄養剤を提供する。たんぱく質、脂質、糖質、ビタミン、ミネラル、および食物繊維を配合し、pHが3~4の範囲である酸性タイプの経腸栄養剤において、たんぱく質として、分子量6000未満のペプチド画分を20~40%含有する大豆たんぱく質が、全たんぱく質中5~65%配合された経腸栄養剤である。