Zpusob a zarízení pro belení zubu zahrnuje zdroj (12) oxidacního plynu a nástavec (16) pro zavedení plynu k zubu (40). Kalísek (34) pripojený k nástavci (16) obstarává príjem plynu a vystavuje zvolenou plochu zubu (40) pusobení plynu. Kalísek (34) zahrnuje pruznou hranu (44) pro tesné napojení hrany (44) a zubu (40) kolem zvolené plochy, aby nedocházelo k úniku plynu.In the present invention, there is disclosed a method of and apparatus for the whiting of teeth wherein the apparatus includes a source (12) of oxidizing gas and a handpiece (16) for delivering the gas to a tooth (40). A cup (34) attached to the handpiece (16) is provided for receiving the gas and exposing a selected area of the tooth (40) to the action of gas. The cup (34) includes a resilient edge (44) for sealably engaging the edge (44) and the tooth (40) around the selected area to prevent escape of a gas.