federalnoe gosudarstvennoe byudzhetnoe obrazovatelnoe uchrezhdenie vysshego obrazovaniya "Saratovskij gosudarstvennyj meditsinskij universitet imeni V.I. Razumovskogo" Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya R
Ulyanov Vladimir Yurevich,Ульянов Владимир Юрьевич,Kuzmin Ervin Sergeevich,Кузьмин Эрвин Сергеевич
FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: device for biomaterial taking in periprosthetic infection of the knee joint consists of a hollow cylindrical tube with a central through channel and a handle at the proximal end, a stylet and an elastic wire element with a working portion in the form of a cylindrical brush at its distal end. At the inlet on the proximal end tube transits to a sleeve with an axial channel, forming a single through channel with the central tube channel, providing alternate introduction of stylet and wire thereinto with stylet tip and wire working area protruding beyond the distal end of the tube. The inner diameter of the sleeve corresponds to the geometric dimensions of the syringe connecting elements for the possibility of joint aspirate evacuation through the single channel by means of this syringe. The stylet has a handle from the proximal end with shape adapted for the tube handle in the form of a protrusion - opening pair with a possibility of tight connection. At the proximal end of the elastic wire element, a ring-shaped handle is provided to provide its movement along the single through channel in the forward-backward direction to remove the microbial biofilm from the outer surface of the endoprosthesis within the knee joint.EFFECT: possibility of taking of two types of biomaterials from the knee joint, different in physical characteristics, through one instrumental access under conditions of infectious process activation.1 ex, 4 dwgИзобретение относится к медицинской технике, используемой в общей хирургии, травматологии, ортопедии и гнойной хирургии, и может быть использовано для взятия проб биоматериала для исследований. Устройство для взятия биоматериала при перипротезной инфекции коленного сустава состоит из полой цилиндрической трубки с центральным сквозным каналом и рукояткой на проксимальном конце, стилета и упругого проволочного элемента с рабочим участком в виде цилиндрической щетки на дистальном его конце. Со стороны входного отверстия на