Sterility indicator of a sterile container (1) with a shape memory element (32) configured as an axially active compression spring, made of a shape memory material, where the axially active compression spring of the constructive spring type helical only exerts an axial pressure force on an indicator unit (16) when reaching or exceeding a predetermined sterilization temperature, which has been prestressed in turn by a recovery spring (30), operating independently of the temperature, in the opposite direction to the shape memory element (32) with a recovery force less than the defined axial pressure force, and with a ratchet mechanism (34, 36, 38), which can be manually operated by a locking / locking mechanism (2) by means of a sterile container lid (1b) of the container (1) or an element applied thereto, and which has been configured such that it maintains the indicator unit (16) in a sterile position by closing and / or interlocking the sterile container (1), after said unit has been moved to the sterile position by the element (32) with shape memory and releases the indicator unit (16) by opening or unlocking the container ( 1) sterile below the sterilization temperature, after which the recovery spring (30) moves the indicator unit (16) back to a non-sterile position.Indicador de esterilidad de un recipiente (1) estéril con un elemento (32) con memoria de forma configurado como un muelle de compresión axialmente activo, hecho de un material con memoria de forma, donde el muelle de compresión axialmente activo de tipo constructivo de muelle helicoidal sólo ejerce una fuerza de presión axial sobre una unidad (16) indicadora al alcanzar o sobrepasar una temperatura de esterilización prefijada, que se ha pretensado a su vez mediante un muelle (30) recuperador, operante independientemente de la temperatura, en dirección opuesta al elemento (32) con memoria de forma con una fuerza de recuperación menor que la definida fuerza de presión axial, y con un mecanismo (34, 36