A method for incubating an aquatic species includes introducing fertilized eggs of the aquatic species into a screened incubation container, introducing the screened incubation container into a vessel of an incubation module, circulating clean oxygenated water through the incubation module vessel, transferring successfully fertilized eggs from the incubation module vessel to an upweller of a hatching module, circulating clean oxygenated water through the upweller, transferring larvae that swim out of the upweller into a tray of a larvae holding module, circulating clean oxygenated water through the larvae holding module, transferring larvae that grow into a juvenile growth stage from the larvae holding module to a tray of a juvenile holding module, circulating clean oxygenated water through the juvenile holding module, and releasing juveniles from the juvenile holding module after a predefined growth period or after the juveniles grow to a predetermined size.