Государственное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования "Новосибирский государственный университет" (НГУ) (RU)
Власов Юрий Александрович (RU),Окунева Галина Николаевна (RU),Смирнов Сергей Михайлович (RU)
A method of evaluating the functional state of the blood circulation in a large, small and coronary circles in humans during exercise consisting in the fact that 1) are fixed the floor of the subject 2) fix its exact age by date of birth, and age is expressed in years in decimal form 3) measuring a body weight in kg 4) growth of the subject is measured in cm 5) blood pressure measured by Krotkova shoulder before and during exercise in mm Hg . 6) measuring the concentration of hemoglobin in the blood and immediately upstream of the load after loading - g / l 7) measuring the oxygen saturation of arterial blood using a pulse oximeter before and during the load or load before and immediately after the closure of load (load in the last minute) 8) before and during exercise electrocardiogram is recorded continuously and it finds the heart rate (HR) and to load every minute 9) for the gas analyzer (type Spirolyt - 2 Eggert firm OxyconPro) carried by the body measurement of oxygen consumption of the subject at each minute - ml / min 10) define a selected graduated exercise on a bicycle ergometer 11) produces estimates of the mass of the subject heart (Mc kg) using allometric relationships between the mass body and the mass of the heart, given the floor, according to equation (1), where M Body weight, kg . coefficients k and b for men and women (healthy and patients with cardiovascular disease) is taken in Table 1, calculate body surface (S) of N- uravneniyugde body weight in kilograms H - height, cm 0.00718 - transfer coefficient of the body surface area of SMV m calculated hemoglobin concentration change at every minute nagruzkigde H- initial value of Hb concentration at 1 minute naked