The invention relates to supplements to the main patent, enhancing the operation of the appliance. 1) Use of a conical container 1 in order to bring the seeds into the gathering component 4. 2) The use of a spring 22 in order to decrease the pressure of the belt against the dispensing cylinder. 3) The use of a metal component 19 fixed to the container putting the pin in contact with the dispenser 5 in order to cancel out the effects of static electricity. 4) Modification of the collecting component one part 29 of which is bevelled decreasing the mixing of the seeds and the other part of which engages partly in the distributor 28. 5) Modification for discharging, through a single bevelled opening, the overflow of the dispenser. 6) Slide system allowing the pin to be disengaged in order to change the dispenser or the belt. The device according to the invention is intended to provide an even distribution of seeds mainly for market gardening seeders. <IMAGE>