1. A flexible biodegradable package with flower bulbs for containing, storing, transporting and directly planting a plurality of flower bulbs in the ground, said plurality of flower bulbs being contained between a flexible top layer of a material containing biodegradable fibers and a flexible lower layer of a material containing biodegradable fibers, said flower bulbs are separated by means of regions between the bulbs formed by a predetermined distance between the bulbs, the bulbs being found Xia in a fixed position and in the preferred orientation for planting, wherein said upper layer is adhered to the lower layer in regions between the bulbs and the periphery of said sloev.2. The flexible biodegradable packaging according to claim 1, wherein said material essentially consists of cellulosic fibers. The flexible biodegradable packaging according to claim 2, wherein said material is paper, in particular recycled paper. The flexible biodegradable packaging according to any one of claims 1 to 3, wherein the upper layer is adhered to the lower layer by means of water-based glue. The flexible biodegradable packaging according to claim 1, comprising a plurality of bulbs of more than one variety. The flexible biodegradable packaging according to claim 1, wherein the distance between the bulbs depends on the types of flower bulbs or the variety of types of flower bulbs. The flexible biodegradable packaging according to claim 1, wherein the packaging is provided with one or more perforated lines. The flexible biodegradable packaging according to claim 1, wherein the packaging is rolled up or folded during transportation and storage. A method of storing flower bulbs, �1. Гибкая биоразлагаемая упаковка с цветочными луковицами для содержания, хранения, транспортировки и непосредственной посадки в землю множества цветочных луковиц,причем упомянутое множество цветочных луковиц содержится между гибким верхним слоем материала, содержащего биоразлагаемые волокна, и гибким нижним с