The invention constitutes a wireless hygiene device (FIG 1) whose composition is formed of a main board (1) provided with semi-rigid brushes on its surface (2) allowing a large space of use. The main board consists of different sectors including one, consisting of a sanding stone (7) to prevent callus on the feet, the center of the main board with brushes (2) to allow free use of the foot, and the last sector reserves a raised structure consisting of two side walls and a horizontal wall and the container of the motorized wireless pump (8) which allows the distribution of a liquid soap, an orifice on the top of the soap container consists of a plug (9) which unscrews, and is revived again for the secure. The sub-section of the soap container consists of brushes on the whole interior of the walls (5), of the same section is found in the middle, a cylindrical brush (4) retained by two cavities, one in the wall of the bottom and one in the top wall. The main board bottom is thermoformed with a giant sucker (6) allowing a better adhesion to the ground, its shape, style and consistency of the rubber offers the user a safe support point (3) keeping a good balance when the other foot is moving. Here we see a machine that facilitates the hygiene of the feet, safely, ease the physical constraint.L'invention constitue un dispositif d'hygiène sans-fil (Fig. 1) dont lacomposition estformée d'une planche principale (1) muni de brosses semi-rigide sur sa surface(2)permettant une grande espace d'utilisation. La planche principale estconstitué dedifférent secteurs dont un, composé d'une pierre ponceuse (7) pour prévenir lacallositéaux pieds, le centre de la planche principale avec brosses (2) pour permettreuneutilisation libre du pied, et le dernier secteur se réserve une structuresurélevé constituéde deux parois latérale et une parois horizontale ainsi que le contenant de lapompesans-fil motorisé (8) qui permet la distribution d'un savon liquide, uno