A system for automatically determining pregnancy toxaemia in at least oneanimal (10) in agroup of animals comprises a sensor (50) for obtaining at least one valuerepresentative of aliquid or water uptake of the at least one animal (10), said sensor (50) beingadapted to bepositioned in the vicinity of a liquid or water supply station (20) or on theat least one animal;and a processing unit (70) configured for comparing the obtained at least onevaluerepresentative of a liquid or water uptake of the at least one animal (10) toa mean valuerepresentative of an average of the at least one value for the group ofanimals or to a valuededuced therefrom; and for generating a signal and/or alert when the obtainedat least onevalue representative of a liquid or water uptake exceeds the mean value or thevaluededuced therefrom by a pre-determined threshold value.