The present invention provides a natural vegetable bactericide, as well as a fabrication method thereof, which is applicable to disinfection of food materials and is purely natural without chemical additives, and can be used safely and healthily. The natural vegetable bactericide contains a reactant body having isothiocyanate, which is formed by mixing with chopped radishes and clean water for reaction according to a weight ratio. The fabrication method of the natural vegetable bactericide includes a material preparation step, a preparation step, an extraction step, a filtering step, an aeration step, and a filling step. The key point is that the extraction step must be carried out with an extraction machine that breaks cell walls of radishes in a physical manner to release gluocsinolate and myrosin, generate the hydrolysis reaction with water, and gradually generate a large amount of isothiocyanate then, removing spicy mustard oil in the reactant body by the aeration step and, maintaining at a proper temperature to achieve the effect of eliminating native/symbiotic environmental microorganisms and all sorts of microorganisms causing contamination in the fabrication process.本發明在於提供一種能應於食材殺菌作業上、純天然且無化學添加物、能安心健應用的天然植物性殺菌劑及其製法。所述天然植物性殺菌劑包含有一具有異硫氰酸酯的反應劑體,其由白蘿蔔切塊配合乾淨水體,依重量配比混合反應而成;所述天然植物殺菌劑製法方面,包括:備料步驟、準備步驟、提取步驟、過濾步驟、曝氣步驟、及填裝步驟等六道步驟,重點在於提取步驟須以提取機以物理性方式,將白蘿蔔的細胞壁破壞,釋出硫化葡萄糖苷和芥子酶,配合水體產生水解反應,並逐漸大量生成異硫氰酸酯,再經曝氣步驟去除反應劑體中的辛辣芥子油,且維持適當溫度,以保有消滅原生/共生環境微生物、製程污染之各種微生物的效果。I‧‧‧備料步驟Ⅱ‧‧‧準備步驟Ⅲ‧‧‧提取步驟Ⅳ‧‧‧過濾步驟V‧‧‧曝氣步驟Ⅵ‧‧‧填裝步驟