Purpose of this invention, being poisonous low, shows high safety, there are times when the composition for nuclear acid delivery which efficiently can deliver the nuclear acid mixture, and the said nuclear acid mixture which can keep the nuclear acid molecule where the RNA interference or translation obstruction of siRNA and the like are possible inside the cell inside the cell is offered. Being poisonous low by making the mixture form making use of nuclear acid molecule and shikuroamirosu whose RNA interference or the translation obstruction which are introduced into the cell are possible, it shows high safety, it can obtain the nuclear acid mixture which at the same time can keep the particular nuclear acid molecule inside the cell. Furthermore, it is possible to improve from the continuous retention talent of the nuclear acid molecule whose safety, effectiveness of delivery inside the cell, and RNA interference or translation obstruction inside the cell are possible by using kiyaria which contains aliphatic 1st class amine as kiyaria for nuclear acid delivery in order to introduce the particular nuclear acid mixture into the cell, (A) jiashiruhosuhuachijirukorin, (B) cholesterol and/or that derivative, and (C), more.本発明の目的は、低毒性で高い安全性を示し、siRNA等のRNA干渉若しくは翻訳阻害が可能な核酸分子を細胞内で保持できる核酸複合体、並びに該核酸複合体を効率的に細胞内に送達できる核酸送達用組成物を提供することにある。細胞内に導入するRNA干渉若しくは翻訳阻害が可能な核酸分子とシクロアミロースを用いて複合体を形成させることによって、低毒性で高い安全性を示し、且つ細胞内で当該核酸分子を保持できる核酸複合体が得られる。更に、当該核酸複合体を細胞内に導入するための核酸送達用キャリアーとして、(A)ジアシルホスファチジルコリン、(B)コレステロール及び/又はその誘導体、並びに(C)脂肪族第1級アミンを含有するキャリアーを用いることによって、安全性、細胞内送達の有効性、及び細胞内でのRNA干渉若しくは翻訳阻害が可能な核酸分子の持続的な保持能をより一層向上させることができる。