1. A device for dispensing pins, containing a body equipped with a longitudinal channel with a piston and two handles, one of the handles is hollow, hinged from the end on the body, pivotally connected to the piston and spring-loaded relative to the body, while the handles are located from each other at a gripping distance with one hand, characterized in that the second handle is rigidly fixed to the body, and the device is additionally equipped with a cassette for pins installed in the guides of the body and a pin separation mechanism, including a drum located at the bottom of the cassette, equipped on one side with a gear wheel, and on the other - an element of fixation against spontaneous rotation, while on the drum there are open longitudinal grooves along the diameter and length of the pin, evenly spaced along the outer cylindrical surface, moreover, a channel with a pusher is additionally made in the body, located parallel to the channel with the piston, and an opening for the maximum dimensions of length and diameter pin between guides for installing cassettes, communicating with the channel for the piston, and the longitudinal grooves of the drum in the upper position coincide with the outlet of the cassette, and in the lower position with the opening of the body between the guides for installing the cassettes, while the pusher is made of two cylindrical parts connected to each other with the possibility of rotation of the second part about its axis, and on the end of the second part of the pusher a gear wheel is rigidly fixed with the possibility of engaging it with the gear wheel of the drum, and on its cylindrical surface, pins are rigidly fixed with the possibility of moving in the screw1. Устройство выдачи штифтов, содержащее корпус, снабженный продольным каналом с поршнем и двумя ручками, одна из ручек выполнена полой, шарнирно закреплена с торца на корпусе, шарнирно соединена с поршнем и подпружинена относительно корпуса, при этом ручки расположены др