Knee prosthesis (1) with adjustable mobility, comprising: a patellar component (2) suitable for attachment to the lower end of a patients femur a base component (5) suitable for attachment to the upper end of a patients tibia and which can be coupled rotatably to the patellar component (2) by means of a transverse pin (4) wherein the transverse pin (4) can be coupled non-rotatably to the base component (5), and wherein at least one end of said transverse pin (4) comprises first means (10) for restricting rotation of the patellar component (2) which, furthermore, comprises at least one adjuster bush (6) that can be coupled non-rotatably to lateral channels (3) of the patellar component (2), said regulator bush (6) having an inner bore provided with second means (9) for restricting rotation of the patellar component (2) which supplement said first means (10) for restricting rotation, in such a manner that the first (10) and second (9) means for restricting rotation interact in order to restrict the permitted angle of rotation of said patellar component (2) with respect to the base component (5).Prótesis (1) de rodilla con movilidad regulable, que comprende: una pieza de rótula (2) adaptada para su fijación al extremo inferior del fémur de un paciente una pieza de base (5) adaptada para su fijación al extremo superior de la tibia de un paciente, y que es acoplable de manera giratoria a la pieza de rótula (2) por medio de un eje (4) transversal donde el eje (4) transversal es acoplable de manera no rotativa a la pieza de base (5), y donde al menos un extremo de dicho eje (4) trasversal comprende unos primeros medios (10) de limitación de giro de la pieza de rótula (2) que además comprende al menos un casquillo regulador (6) acoplable de manera no giratoria a unos canales laterales (3) de la pieza de rótula (2), teniendo dicho casquillo regulador (6) un orificio interior dotado de unos segundos medios (9) de limitación de giro de la pieza de rótula (2) complementarios co