Общество с ограниченной ответственностью фирма "Технология-Стандарт" (RU)
Момот Андрей Павлович (RU),Шахматов Игорь Ильич (RU),Ломаев Сергей Сергеевич (RU),Терехов Сергей Сергеевич (RU)
FIELD: medicine, pharmaceutics.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to the pharmaceutical industry, namely to a method of industrial production of fibrin-monomer from the blood plasma. The method of industrial production of fibrin-monomer from the blood plasma consists in defrosting fresh frozen human plasma with continuous mixing, with further addition into plasma of a saturated ammonium sulphate solution, the obtained mixture is kept at a temperature, after which it is centrifuged, a supernatant liquid is poured out after that, urea is dissolved in a phosphate buffer and heated, with further dissolution in the buffer of the earlier obtained fibrinogen sediment, then, human thrombin is added and mixed the mixture is kept at a room temperature, further, the obtained mixture is divided into three parts, the phosphate buffer is introduced into a reservoir with one of the three parts of the initial fibrinogen solution, a fibrin clot, formed in the reservoir is collected, washed in distilled water and pressed, as a result, three washed fibrin clots are obtained, after that, washing of the fibrin clot is repeated two more times in the same way, the final product - fibrin-monomer is obtained by dissolution of the washed fibrin clot in an acetate buffer with urea, the obtained fibrin-monomer is poured into flasks, after that, flasks with fibrin-monomer are frozen and freeze-dried under specified conditions.EFFECT: method makes it possible to increase the output of fibrin-monomer.2 exИзобретение относится к фармацевтической промышленности, а именно к способу промышленного получения фибрин-мономера из плазмы крови. Способ промышленного получения фибрин-мономера из плазмы крови, заключающийся в размораживании свежезамороженной плазмы человека при постоянном перемешивании, далее добавляют в плазму насыщенный раствор сульфата аммония, полученную смесь выдерживают при температуре, после чего центрифугируют, надосадочную жидкость сливают, затем в фосфатном буфере растворяют мочевину и по