A dental cartridge (1) with two cylinders has a top connective plate (5) with two dispensing holes (6a,6b) and two connective grooves (7a,8a) facing each other. The mixing tip (13) has two connecting tubes (19a,19b) fitting in said dispensing holes (6a,6b) and two connecting wings (16,17) rotationally engaging said grooves (7a,8a). Said connecting wings being provided with diagonally symmetrical rotational bumps (16a,17a), said rotational bumps having each on their lower surface a cylindrical guide pin (16b,17b) etending downwardly. The top connective plate (5) being provided with diagonally symmetrical guide pin insertion strips (10a,10b), guide pin guiding curves (11a,11b) and guide pin connective grooves (12a,12b).