FIELD: medicine, pharmaceutics.SUBSTANCE: invention refers to the pharmaceutical industry, namely to an agent with an antidyslipidemic and analgesic effect. The method for preparing the phytocomplex with the antidyslipidemic and analgesic effect, involving: a) grinding peeled bergamot fruit to prepare an undegraded mixture, b) introducing pectinolytic enzymes into the mixture; c) reducing pulp content; d) inactivating the above enzymes added at the stage b), to prepare a degraded mixture; e) performing ultrafiltration of the degraded mixture through membranes isolating the substances having a molecular weight of over 30,000 Da, to prepare a transparent solution; f) introducing the transparent solution on a polyphenol absorption column; g) washing the polyphenol absorption column with water and increasing pH to prepare an aqueous polyphenol fraction; h) transmitting the aqueous polyphenol fraction to cationic resin to recover the phytocomplex in an aqueous phase; i) drying the phytocomplex in the aqueous phase. The phytocomplex in the aqueous phase with the antidyslipidemic and analgesic effect. The phytocomplex with the antidyslipidemic and analgesic effect. A pharmaceutical composition with the antidyslipidemic effect containing the phytocomplex, and pharmaceutically acceptable additives. A pharmaceutical composition with the analgesic effect containing the phytocomplex, and pharmaceutically acceptable additives.EFFECT: phytocomplex described above possesses the evident antidyslipidemic and analgesic effect.11 clИзобретение относится к фармацевтической промышленности, а именно к средству с антидислипидемическим и обезболивающим эффектом. Способ получения фитокомплекса с антидислипидемическим и обезболивающим эффектом из плодов бергамота, включающий: a) перемалывание плодов бергамота без верхней кожицы и цедры с получением неразложившейся смеси, b) внесение в указанную смесь ферментов для разложения пектина; c) снижение содержания мякоти; d) инактивация указанных