A useful model relates to the dairy industry, in particular to buttermaking batch.The oil producer includes a cylindrical container and a churning mechanism. The cylindrical container on one side is provided with a bottom, and on the other side with a filling window. The fill window is equipped with a lid. On the inner side of the cover, rods are rigidly mounted, in the cross section, having a circumferential shape. The bars are equidistant from the intersection of the geometric axes of the cover and are located at equal angular intervals. The cylindrical container is mounted vertically on the frame and the bottom is facing the frame. The churning mechanism is located in the cavity of the cylindrical container. The drive of the knockdown mechanism is located under the bottom from the lower outer side of it along the axis of symmetry of the cylindrical container. In the cavity of the cylindrical container, along the height with an equal angular step, there are fins, in the cross section, having the shape of an elongated rectangle. The churning mechanism is installed above the bottom of a cylindrical vessel and contains a flat disk with an axis and blades. The blades are C-shaped, rigidly installed perpendicular to the horizontal surface of the flat disc and are concave towards the direction of rotation of the drive shaft.Such a design of the butter maker will improve the quality of the resulting butter.Полезная модель относится к маслодельной промышленности, в частности к маслоизготовителям периодического действия.Маслоизготовитель включает цилиндрическую емкость и механизм сбивания. Цилиндрическая емкость с одной стороны снабжена дном, а с другой стороны заливным окном. Заливное окно снабжено крышкой. С внутренней стороны крышки жестко установлены прутки, в поперечном сечении имеющие форму окружности. Прутки равноудалены от пересечения геометрических осей крышки и расположены через равные угловые интервалы. Цилиндрическая емкость установлена на раме вертикально и дн