The invention provides methods of preventing and treating graft-versus-host-disease and autoimmune diseases, such as those arising from transplant therapy, by selective depletion of hematopoietic cells through the use of antibody-drug conjugates and ligand-drug conjugates that specifically bind CD137. The compositions and methods described herein can be used to treat a variety of pathologies, including stem cell disorders and other blood conditions.本發明提供藉由經使用特異性結合CD137之抗體-藥物共軛物及配體-藥物共軛物選擇性耗盡造血細胞來預防及治療移植物抗宿主疾病及自體免疫疾病(諸如彼等源於移植療法者)之方法。本文中所述之組合物及方法可用於治療多種病理,包括幹細胞疾病及其他血液病症。