Devices and methods forapplying tension to an area of skin, inparticular for follicular unit removal andimplantation in a hair transplantationprocedure are provided. The devices (20,130, 160, 180, 200, 240, 253, 260, 290,310) may include a frame (22, 132, 162,204, 262, 292) with at least two skin contactmembers that hold to the skin. Alsodisclosed are various ways- to apply aforce displacing the skin contact mem-bersapart, thus creating tension in theskin therebetween. The devices andmethods may incorporate suction thathelps the skin contact members securelyhold to the skin. Barbs (28, 72, 98, 116,194, 172, 152) or microbarbs also maybeused to help secure the skin contactmembers to the skin. The frame may sur-roundthe skin area with tensile forcesapplied outward in multiple directions.Adjusting members and indicators (52)may be provided to control and displaythe magnitude of tensile force applied toskin. "The tensioning devices and meth-odsmay be incorporated into a robotichair transplantation system. A tool (242) for compression of the flexibleframe is also disclosed.