A wound suturing device for minimally invasive surgery is presented to improve the problem that wounds of minimally invasive surgery are not easily to suture with prior suturing device. This wound suturing device for minimally invasive surgery comprises an operating assembly and at least one puncturing member. The operating assembly has a holding tube with a first puncture-guiding portion and a second puncture-guiding portion. A first opening-closing member and a second opening-closing member pivot at one end of the holding tube, with the first opening-closing member and the second opening-closing member are able to clip relatively or open up. A needle head is apartably arranged at one end of the puncturing member. The puncturing member by means of penetrating through the first puncture-guiding portion and the second puncture-guiding portion, and positioning into the first opening-closing member and the second opening-closing member with relatively needle head.一種微創手術縫合裝置,用以改善目前微創手術傷口縫合不易的問題。本發明的微創手術縫合裝置包含一操控組件及至少一穿刺件,該操控組件具有一握持管,該握持管設有一第一穿刺導引部及一第二穿刺導引部,一第一開合件及一第二開合件樞接於該握持管的一端而可相對夾合或張開;該穿刺件的一端設有可分離的一針頭,該穿刺件用以穿伸通過該第一穿刺導引部及該第二穿刺導引部,並由對應的針頭定位於該第一開合件及該第二開合件。1‧‧‧操控組件11‧‧‧本體111‧‧‧握持管1111‧‧‧第一穿刺導引部1112‧‧‧第二穿刺導引部1113‧‧‧開口1114‧‧‧開槽1115‧‧‧限位槽112‧‧‧第一開合件1121‧‧‧第一定位部113‧‧‧第二開合件1131‧‧‧第二定位部12‧‧‧控制桿1211‧‧‧推移部122‧‧‧旋壓件2‧‧‧穿刺件21‧‧‧針頭22‧‧‧穿桿221‧‧‧出線槽