High-protein wholemeal bread of spelt wheat has increased the protein content for about 50% compared to standard wholemeal spelt bread, because his recipe changed and includes pea protein isolate in an amount of 8% on basis of flour. Supplement of pea protein isolate changes the fat and carbohydrates content, significantly reducing their content in comparison to standard integral spelt bread. Thereby, the recipe, and method of production can not reduce the overall sensory quality of high-protein wholemeal spelt bread compared to standard wholemeal spelt bread, assessed by the expert panel.Visokoproteinski integralni hleba od spelta pšenice ima povećan sadržaj proteina za oko 50% u odnosu na standardni integralni speltin hleb zato što je njegova receptura izmenjena i uključuje izolat proteina graška u količini od 8% na masu brašna. Dodatak proteina graška menja i sadržaj masti i ugljenih hidrata, značajno smanjujući njihov sadržaj u odnosu na standarni integralni speltin hleb. Pri tome, recepturom, a ni postupkom se ne umanjuje ukupni senzorski kvalitet visokoproteinskog integralnog hleba od spelta pšenice u odnosu na standardni integralni speltin hleb, ocenjen od strane ekspertskog panela.