Isolated nucleic acids (I) for hepatitis D virus (HDV) are new. Isolated nucleic acids (I) for hepatitis D virus (HDV) comprising: (i) the genome of a HDV that, at the molecular level over the entire genome, has a divergence or genetic distance of at least 20% with respect to HDV of genotypes I-III (ii) the genome of a HDV that, at the molecular level, has a divergence or genetic distance of at least 25% with respect to HDV of genotypes I-III over the 889-1289 region (R0) (iii) the complete genomes of the isolates or variants dFr-45, -47, -73, -910, -48, or -664 or (iv) a genome with a divergence or genetic distance less than 15% with respect to (iii). Independent claims are also included for: (1) specific fragments of (I) (2) detecting the specified HDV variants by hybridization and/or amplification (3) detecting and genotyping HDV (4) recombinant vectors, particularly plasmids, containing (I) or their fragments (5) cells transformed with (I) or its fragments (6) translation products (II) encoded by RNA of the specified variants and (7) proteins encoded by (I), or its fragments, and their peptide fragments.Molécules dacides nucléiques issues de nouvelles souches ou isolats du virus de lhépatite D constituant des génotypes différents des génotypes connus I, II et III, leurs fragments, protéines correspondantes, ainsi que leurs applications, en tant que réactifs de diagnostic.Méthode de diagnostic sensible du virus de lhépatite D (ou virus de lhépatite delta) ainsi quune méthode de suivi épidémiologique des infections à HDV.