A new and distinct hexaploid hybrid blueberry (Vaccinium×hybrid) cultivar named Nocturne. Nocturne is a hybrid with complex hexaploid ancestry, derived from V. ashei Reade, V. constablaei Gray, V. corymbosum L., V. darrowii Camp, V. angustifolium Ait., and V. tenellum Ait.,. It is cold hardy, having an extended dormancy period, and a late flowering interval, is productive year-after-year, consistently producing 12-13 lbs. of fruit per plant, it has ripe fruit that is large, dark, and sweet that ripens in mid-July in New Jersey and the fruit are tinted vivid, red-orange when unripe, and ripen to black. Nocturne is a vigorous upright plant with glossy, medium-green foliage, and a somewhat sprawling habit.