The invention relates to the field of medicine, food and processing technology of various materials. It can be used for sterilization of medical materials, implantable articles, medical instruments and medical waste for sterilization and pasteurization of food. Sterilization is carried out by radiation processing facilities. Radiation processing complex has a unit of radiation treatment comprising one transmitter (the high frequency electron accelerator) tunnel for moving irradiation object, the irradiation zone, radiation protection for the absorption bremsstrahlung from the accelerator and from the irradiation zone, a transport system with a device for moving the irradiation object from loading and unloading zones in the exposure zone. The transport system is further provided with a small-sized apparatus revolution and moving objects from a loading zone of irradiation after unilateral irradiation in the unloading area for re-radiation from the opposite side objects. Device is a manipulator consisting of a drive rod, the irradiation container object. By turning the arm from one extreme position to another irradiation object is flipped 180 degrees facing downwards and simultaneously moves from the loading zone to the unloading zone. Such a combination of the manipulator functions becomes possible as a result of the fact that the path of movement of the irradiation object is in a vertical plane or in a plane disposed at an angle relative to the vertical plane.Полезная модель относится к области медицины, пищевой промышленности и технологии обработки различных материалов. Она может быть использована для стерилизации медицинских материалов, имплантируемых изделий, медицинских инструментов и медицинских отходов, для стерилизации и пастеризации продуктов питания. Стерилизация производится путем радиационной обработки объектов. Комплекс радиационной обработки имеет блок радиационной обработки, включающий в себя один излучатель (высокочастотный ускоритель электронов), тонн