An environmental protection mould proof patch includes: at least one first diaphragm composed of decomposable materials; at least one second diaphragm composed of an adhesive which can absorb and infiltrate mould proof particles or components, the second diaphragm adheres to the first surface of the first diaphragm with its second surface; and a release membrane adheres to the first surface of the second diaphragm.The environmental protection and anti mold patch can be attached to the wall of a space, and release anti mold particles in the space, so as to achieve the anti mold effect.After use, the environmental protection and anti mildew patch can decompose automatically in the natural environment, which is friendly to the environment.一種環保防霉貼片,包括:至少一由可分解材料所構成之第一膜片;至少一可吸滲防霉粒子或成分之黏著劑所構成之第二膜片,該第二膜片以其第二表面黏著於該第一膜片的第一表面;以及一離型膜,黏著於該第二膜片之第一表面。環保防霉貼片可以貼附於一空間之壁面,在該空間中釋放防霉粒子,達到防霉之效果。使用後的環保防霉貼片可在自然環境中自動分解,對環境友善。