Nano silver is widely used in the field of anti-bacteria materials. Since the abuse of antibiotics has resulted in a problem of resistant bacteria, the nano silver is noticed for its remarkable anti-bacterial effect. It has been demonstrated that nano silver has hundreds more effect of anti-bacteria than a normal anti-bacteria agent. However, nano silver also has a side effect of being cytotoxic. Hence, the present invention provides a nano silver carrier structure to enclose the nano silver, such that the nano silver can be extended-released in/on the human tissue and the cytotoxicity of nano silver can be substantially reduced.奈米銀被廣泛地用作抗菌醫療材料。近來因化學性殺菌劑及抗生素大量開發使用,導致許多病菌發生變異而產生抗藥性,這時奈米銀之抗菌功效才又再度受到醫學界的青睞。據研究證實,奈米銀之殺菌能力相較於一般殺菌劑高出數百倍以上,然奈米銀進入人體後具潛在之細胞毒性,有鑑於此,本發明透過奈米銀微脂載體結構將奈米銀予以包覆,如此一來透過微脂體之緩釋降低奈米銀之細胞毒性與對人體之傷害。20‧‧‧奈米銀微脂載體結構11‧‧‧第一微脂球體111a‧‧‧第一容納空間12‧‧‧第二微脂球體121a‧‧‧第二容納空間13‧‧‧奈米銀成份