Method for determining the emotional state of the user due to the visual impact, wherein the method comprises the steps of (100) acquisition of physiological data with the help of at least one biosensor (200), step (101) preprocessing of data collected with the help of the processing unit (201), where are obtained internal features, step (102) forwarding the features in a database (202) on the cloud and to the entrance of the prediction model (203), which is also on the cloud, has for a novelty that the said prediction model (203) is an adaptive algorithm consisted of two phases, wherein the first stage of the model is step (103) of applying of the internal model characteristics obtained after step (101), and a result are predicted pseudo characteristics based on internal characteristics of physiological signals, and the second phase is presented by step (104) of determining the current emotional state based on previously obtained predicted pseudo characteristics, but also on the basis of previously obtained internal characteristics of physiological signals, step (105) of sending the resulting state in the database (202) on the cloud as a reference state for the previous sent internal features, and step (106) the transformation of the emotional state of the user to the appropriate recommendation for action.Metod za određivanje emocionalnog stanja korisnika usled vizuelnog uticaja, gde se postupak sastoji od koraka (100) akvizicije fizioloških podataka uz pomoć najmanje jednog biosenzora (200), koraka (101) preprocesiranja prikupljenih podataka uz pomoć procesorske jedinice (201), gde se iz njih dobijaju interna obeležja, koraka (102) prosleđivanja navedenih obeležja u bazu podataka (202) na cloud-y i do ulaza u model (203) koji se takođe nalazi na cloud–y, ima za novost da navedeni model (203) predstavlja adaptivni algoritam sačinjen iz dve faze, gde korak (103) primene modela na interna obeležja dobijena nakon koraka (101), predstavlja prvu fazu modela, a kao rezult