The present invention provides a microneedle array which retains a drug only on the leading end parts of microneedles and a method of manufacturing the microneedle array. A microneedle array (2A) which retains a drug only on the leading end parts of microneedles can be manufactured with a microneedle deposition technique of (a) creating a microneedle array (2) with a water-soluble polymer as the material thereof, (b) creating a drug solution (1) which adheres to the leading end of the microneedle array (2), and (c) bringing the leading end of the microneedle array (2) in contact with the drug solution (1) for a short time period. With an aqueous solution as the drug solution (1), a water-soluble biodegradable polymer, and the water-soluble biodegradable polymer being dissolved at a high concentration together with the drug in the aqueous solution, increasing the viscosity thereof, the adhering drug is integral with the microneedles, and only the drug will not be stripped away when the microneedles are applied.