FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to field of medicine, in particular ophthalmology and can be used for surgical treatment of aphakia. 2 paracenteses, located on one axis on 6 and 12 oclock are made above triangles on cornea, needle with double thread is introduced into "o-shaped" haptic element of implanted lens, arch of support element is enveloped with double thread and needle is passed between threads with formation of loop around arch of support element. Second thread is fixed to second support element in the similar way. Tunnel cut on 9 oclock is formed, one of needles is passed through tunnel in paracentesis on 6 oclock, needle is brought out of needle, needle is turned and introduced into the same paracentesis, passed through pupil and brought out on sclera under scleral flap strictly on 12 oclock 2 mm from limb, thread is pulled, second needle is introduced through tunnel cut into anterior chamber, brought through paracentesis on 12 oclock out of eye, turned and introduced through the same paracentesis into anterior chamber needle is passed under iris and brought out on sclera under scleral flap strictly on 6 oclock thread is pulled, intraocular flexible IOL is bent and introduced into posterior eye chamber IOL is centred and fixed by means of threads.EFFECT: method makes it possible to create conditions for absence of necessity of applying suture on cornea cut IPL physiological position, absence of post-operative corneal astigmatism.1 exИзобретение относится к области медицины, в частности офтальмологии, и может быть использовано для хирургического лечения афакии. Над треугольниками на роговице делают 2 парацентеза, расположенных по одной оси на 6 и 12 часах, иглу с двойной нитью вводят в «о-образный» гаптический элемент имплантируемой линзы, охватывают двойной нитью дугу опорного элемента и проводят иглу между нитями, образуя петлю вокруг дуги опорного элемента. Аналогично крепят вторую нить ко второму опорному элементу. Формируют тоннельный ра