Malakhovskaya Vera Ivanovna,Малаховская Вера Ивановна,Orlova Ekaterina Valerevna,Орлова Екатерина Валерьевна,Kobazev Viktor Eduardovich,Кобазев Виктор Эдуардович,Bragina Elena Igorevna,Брагина Елена И
FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: cut is made in the temporal region anterior to the base of the ear pinch to the tragus. A subcutaneous tunnel is formed. Soft tissues are tightened and fixed with a non-absorbable thread. At that, an additional incision is made in the region of the lateral angle along the natural eye fold with a length of 0.8-1.0 cm. A subcutaneous tunnel is formed from the temporal region towards the lateral corner of the eye. The lateral corner region is passed subperiosteally, then the soft tissues of the middle area of the face are mobilized in the place of their maximum sagging by subperiosteal dissection of the zygomatic area. Further from the incision in the lateral corner of the eye under the previously mobilized soft tissues of the zygomatic region, a non-absorbable thread is directed, which is pricked out at the site of attachment of the muscle lifting the nose wing. Then one end of the non-absorbable thread withdrawn into the nose wing region is punctured into the thread exit opening, the thread is directed subcutaneously along thenasolabial fold line and is withdrawn at a distance of 1.0-1.2 cm. Then the thread is drawn back through the site of the last outbringing to the cut in the lateral corner of the eye, where the two ends of the thread are hemmed to the periosteum of the lateral edge of the orbit, the thread is pulled up to the required depth of the nasolabial fold and the nose wing is placed in a symmetrical position. The ends of the thread are directed through the previously formed tunnel into the temporal region and fixed to the deep sheet of the temporal fascia.EFFECT: simplicity and low traumatism, allows to avoid incisions in the area of nasolabial fold, to eliminate the valve effect with nasal breathing, to exclude the risk of lagophthalmus aggravation.2 dwg, 1 exИзобретение относится к медицине, а именно к челюстно-лицевой и пластической хирургии. Выполняют разрез в височной области кпереди от основания ножки завитка уха до козелк